Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Application of Maritime Labour Convention 2006

We implement the regulations under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 in Australia via supporting legislation which applies to all commercial vessels.

In Australia, the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (the convention) has been implemented primarily through the Navigation Act 2012. Implementation is supported by domestic legislation including Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015. Marine Order 11 contains regulations that address the following components:

The convention applies to all commercial vessels whether publicly or privately owned. The convention does not apply to fishing vessels, vessels of traditional builds (such as dhows and junks), warships or naval auxiliaries or vessels not ordinarily engaged in commercial activities.

The main body of the convention (the regulations and the code) is grouped into five main subject areas referred to as titles.

Title 1—Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on vessels
Title 2—Conditions of employment
Title 3—Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering
Title 4—Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection
Title 5—Compliance and enforcement

We are the authority responsible for regulation of the convention and its requirements in Australia.

Find a list of countries that have ratified the convention after 20 August 2013.

Related information

Last updated: 11 January 2024