Email scam alert

Thursday 30 April 2020
An email message claiming to be sent by AMSA about invoices is being circulated.
Scam alert

We have received reports of spear phishing emails being sent to AMSA Marine Surveyors with the email sender appearing to come from AMSA.

These emails are a class of "phishing" messages that target specific people and organisations, and may contain information that is true to make them appear more authentic.

Scammers often use a technique called 'social engineering'. Social engineering is a way to manipulate people into taking an action by creating very realistic 'bait' or messages.

Criminals are getting better at social engineering and putting more time, effort and money towards researching targets to learn names, titles, responsibilities, and any personal information they can find.

In the below example, the email appears to be sent from AMSA, but it is not.

If you are suspicious about an interaction you've had with someone using AMSA's name or details-phone us on 1800 627 484 between 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

Find out more about scams and how to deal with them.

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