Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Our environment

Protecting the marine environment
  • protect the marine environment
  • meet international obligations.

We work with other IMO members to improve environmental outcomes by raising shipping standards.

Australia has led changes to IMO conventions to prevent pollution, such as stopping container loss by securing cargo better and regulating the transport of plastic pellets  

We’re also working in the IMO to:

  • better regulate sewage discharges from ships
  • develop measures to decarbonise shipping.

Australia addresses pollution issues at an international level by enacting International Maritime Organization (IMO) conventions to prevent incidents, such as container loss through better securing of cargoes, and to address greenhouse gas emissions through enacting the IMO’s The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI.Australia works to stop ship-sourced plastic litter entering our seas by collaborating with industry to ensure they are aware of and can comply with MARPOL regulations relating to both storage and disposal of equipment and waste. We will continue to work in the IMO to address this pollution. 

Rapid responses to maritime incidents and pollution incidents

The Australian Government works with industries to respond quickly to maritime and pollution incidents in our region. We also have national agreements for areas of refuge and the emergency towage for vessels in emergency situations.

Latest news on our efforts to tackle marine pollution