Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (


1.1 Background and purpose

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is the Commonwealth agency responsible for coastal aids to navigation. AMSA’s network includes Tasman Island Lighthouse, built between 1904-1905 and first lit in 1906.

Section 341S of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) requires AMSA to prepare a management plan for Tasman Island Lighthouse that addresses the matters prescribed in Schedules 7A and 7B of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 (Cth) (EPBC Regulations). The principal features of this management plan are:

AMSA has prepared this heritage management plan to guide the future conservation of the place. This plan provides the framework and basis for the conservation and best practice management of Tasman Island Lighthouse in recognition of its heritage values. The policies in this plan indicate the objectives for identification, protection, conservation and presentation of the commonwealth heritage values of the place. Figure 2 shows the basic planning process applied.

Figure 2. Planning process applied for heritage management (Source: Australia ICOMOS, 1999)
Figure 2. Planning process applied for heritage management (Source: Australia ICOMOS, 1999)

1.2 Heritage management plan objectives

The objectives of this heritage management plan are to:

In undertaking these objectives, this plan aims to:

The organisational planning cycle and associated budgeting process is used to confirm requirements, allocate funding and manage delivery of maintenance activities. Detailed planning for the AtoN network is managed through our internal planning processes.

An interactive map showing many of AMSA’s heritage sites, including Tasman Island, can be found at AMSA Heritage Lighthouses Interactive Map1.

1.3 Methodology

The methodology used in the preparation of this plan is consistent with the recommendations of The Burra Charter and with the requirements of Chapter 5, Part 15 Division 1A of the EPBC Act. In particular, the plan:

The criterion set out at Schedule 7A (h) (i-xiii) informed the development of the required policies for the management of the Tasman Island Lighthouse, in conjunction with input from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment on best practice management.


The draft management plan is required to be advertised in accordance with the EPBC Act and the EPBC Regulations and any comments received are to be incorporated into the final document.

In the process of preparing the plan, AMSA sought engagement with the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service (Tas PWS) and the Friends of Tasman Island (Wildcare Inc. branch). Tas PWS and the Friends of Tasman Island provided information on the history and management of the larger lightstation, details on the fauna and flora of the island, and photographs of the lightstation.

AMSA also sought engagement with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporation (TAC) and the Parrdarrama Pungenna Aboriginal Corporation (PPAC). AMSA is yet to receive a response and future versions of this plan will provide an update on this consultation process.

A developed draft will be submitted to the Minister through the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and in that process the Minister’s delegate will seek advice from the Australian Heritage Council.

1.4 Status

This plan will be adopted by AMSA in accordance with Schedule 7A (Management plans for Commonwealth Heritage places) and Schedule 7B (Commonwealth Heritage management principles) of the EPBC Regulations to guide the management of the place and for inclusion in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments.

1.5 Authorship

This plan has been prepared by AMSA. At the initial time of publication, the Australian Maritime Systems Group (AMSG) is the contract maintenance provider for the Commonwealth Government’s AtoN network including Tasman Island Lighthouse.

1.6 Acknowledgements

AMSA acknowledges the assistance of the Tas PWS, the Friends of Tasman Island, Tony Brown, former Aboriginal Curator at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and Brett Hall for the use of their photos.

1.7 Language

For clarity and consistency, some words in this plan such as restoration, reconstruction and preservation, are used with the meanings defined in the Burra Charter2. (See Appendix 1 Glossary of heritage conservation terms). Also see ‘Appendix 2 Glossary of lighthouse terminology relevant to Tasman Island Lighthouse’ which sets out the technical terminology used in this plan.

1.8 Previous reports

1.9 Sources of information and images

This plan has used a number of sources of information. This includes the National Archives of Australia (NAA), the National Library of Australia (NLA) and AMSA’s heritage collection. 

Friends of Tasman Island also provided a number of photographs for inclusion in the plan.



“AMSA Interactive heritage lighthouse map,” Australian Maritime Safety Authority, accessed May 2020    

2 Australia ICOMOS, The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance (Australia ICOMOS, 2013).

3 Peter Marquis-Kyle, Heritage Lighthouse Report: Tasman Island (Australian Maritime Systems Group, 2006).

4 Australian Maritime Systems Group, Tasman Island Lighthouse: Heritage Asset Condition Report, 2nd Revision (Australian Maritime Safety Authority, 2018).