Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to Marine Order 12

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to Marine Order 12 – relating for the structure, subdivision, stability, machinery, and electrical installations of vessels.

Consultation closed 10 September 2023

About Marine Order 12 and the proposed changes

Marine Order 12 (Construction – subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) (MO12) relates to the prescribed international standards for the structure, subdivision, stability, machinery, and electrical installations of regulated Australian vessels (RAVs) and foreign flagged vessels.

The proposed changes include:

  • adding new requirements to give effect to the IMO resolution MSC.474(102), which requires vessels to have a ship-specific towing and mooring arrangements plan, kept on board for the master’s reference.
  • introducing new requirements for Regulated Australian Vessels (RAVs) under 24m in length for  weathertight and watertight integrities currently not covered by either MO12 or Marine Order 16 (Load lines) 2014.
  • updating requirements for openings in watertight bulkheads on cargo ships as required by SOLAS.

Have your say

You can provide your feedback here.

Please ensure you provide your feedback by 11.59pm on 10 September 2023. (Consultation closed)


Key dates

31 July 2023

  • Consultation opens

10 September 2023

  • Consultation closed

1 January 2024

  • Proposed commencement of revised MO12