Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Service charter

This service charter sets out the standard of service you can expect to receive from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

Our charter:

Our role

We are a statutory authority established under the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990 (AMSA Act), with the primary role to:

Our service commitment

We will:

Your responsibilities

You can:

Our service standards

We aim to provide a consistent and reliable service.

We will strive to:

Once you have received our response or solution, please let us know within 5 working days if you’re not satisfied with the outcome. Otherwise, we will assume you are satisfied.

Please note: Working days do not include public holidays, weekends and Christmas shut down period.


Feedback and complaint handling process

We welcome your complaints and feedback. Your feedback is used as an indicator of our performance against our service standards and helps us to improve the way we do things.

It is important to know what works well. By telling us when you have received excellent customer service and what we got right helps us to recognise the efforts of our people and to ensure we replicate best practice across AMSA.

We will aim to resolve all complaints within 20 working days, however depending upon the nature of the complaint response times may vary. All complaints will be managed in a confidential manner, and you will be provided with updates during the investigation of your complaint.

You can provide all other written feedback and complaints by sending an email to

We have dedicated forms for complaints or feedback relating to the following areas:

How we treat your complaint

Once we acknowledge receipt of your complaint:

You can call AMSA Connect and we will direct you to the staff member managing your complaint.

During the complaint resolution process, the staff member will:

If you are not happy with the complaint resolution:

Chief Executive Officer
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
GPO Box 2181


send an email to

Commonwealth Ombudsman
GPO Box 442
Telephone: 02 6276 0111
Toll Free: 1300 362 072

Need help contacting us?

If you need help interacting with us, you can access telephone interpreting services through the Translating and Interpreting Service by calling 13 14 50.

Administrative decisions and Freedom of Information

This service charter deals with the quality of service that we provide to you, our clients. If you are not satisfied with an administrative decision that affects you, you may have the right to seek review of that decision. We notify you of your rights of review and appeal when delivering an administrative decision. The public also are entitled to apply for access to documents that fall within the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

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Monitoring and review

We regularly review our customer feedback mechanisms, including the currency of our service charter, to ensure that it continues to reflect our customer’s service expectations.

We monitor our performance against our service charter through the AMSA Management System, which includes a review process. We regularly publish information about our functions, our governance, and planning and reporting.

Last updated: 5 July 2023