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Claire Cunningham—Tasmanian Liaison Officer

Claire has been AMSA’s Tasmanian Liaison officer for almost three and a half years, seeking a change after a regulatory role in state government. We spoke to Claire about her role at AMSA and her advice for women who are interested in joining the industry.

What made you interested in your career?

I’m a keen recreational boater and sailor and have always been interested in the maritime industry, and I have many friends involved in the industry. Basically I like boats! 

What do you enjoy the most about your job?

The people and all the interesting things maritime people get up to. The domestic maritime sector is so varied and full of interesting characters. From fishermen, oyster  and salmon farmers, commercial divers, tug operators, volunteer search and rescue, big ferries, tour boat operators and commercial trout guides, no two queries are the same!

Any career highlights?

Working for AMSA.

What motivates you every day?

I like being able to help people and try to make the national system work as best I can for Tasmanian operators. 

Who are your female role models?

I’d have to say my mum wouldn’t I?! 

What tips would you give to anyone who is interested in your career?

Find a career in an area that interests you. Work is a lot more enjoyable when you are passionate about what you do. 


Claire Cunningham

What would you say to women who are interested in joining the maritime industry?

Go for it! I find many males in the industry are supportive of their female colleagues. Credibility and respect comes from the how you go about your work and how you treat others. 

How do you unwind?

I like to try and keep fit and spend time with friends. I enjoy many outdoor activities such as sailing, fishing, hiking and diving. 

What’s your favourite maritime song?

Sail Away by David Gray, although The Highwayman by Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash is a favourite—does that counts as a maritime song?

What’s your favourite lighthouse?

Tasman Island Lighthouse. I’ve done the Sydney to Hobart yacht race a couple of times and it's always a welcome sight!