Emergency plans
As a minimum this must include plans for:
- fire
- person overboard or missing person
- master incapacitated
- loss of steering
- vessel collision, grounding or flooding
- adverse weather conditions
- any other emergency requiring a plan, as identified through your risk assessment.

These need to be considered and documented for your tender as well as the parent vessel.
Based on your operation, you are required to undertake sufficient training in emergency plans to establish, maintain and then verify your crew's ability to respond rapidly and effectively in an emergency.
The best way to achieve this is to practise the procedures so the crew understand what they need to do and why, these activities must become second nature. Consider how often you need to conduct drills to achieve this. This could be the difference between life and death.
Owners, masters and crew on all commercial vessels are required by the general safety duties to ensure their operations are safe. Depending on the risk profile of your operation, additional safety equipment on a tender MUST be added to reduce the risks. Completing a risk assessment will help you to make all operations safe to the level required by the law.