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Registered training organisation

Whether you offer training for domestic or international certificates, find the information you'll need to perform your duties as an AMSA approved registered training organisation.
instructor talking on a yacht

Domestic qualification training

How to become an AMSA approved RTO

As an RTO there is a process that you will need to know about if you wish to become an AMSA approved final assessor for certificates of competency. Find the information about the criteria we use to asses your application, the conditions of approval and more. 

AMSA mandated practical assessments

The AMSA mandated practical assessment (AMPA) is the final assessment for low complexity certificates of competency. As an AMSA approved final assessor you can find practical information about how to conduct the AMPA. This content includes how to give credit for previous units completed, what the vessel and engine requirements are, and how to complete and sign off the AMPA. 

How to perform final assessments

Once you have been approved as an AMSA approved final assessor, you will need to know the technical assessment requirements. Find out what the minimum staff qualifications are, as well as practical advice about the physical assessment space and recordkeeping requirements. 

Interim certificates of competency

There are strict rules around the issue of interim certificates of competency (ICoC). An interim certificate of competency may only be issued to a seafarer who has met the conditions listed. Find the information you will need in order to comply with the rules on issuing ICoCs.

International qualification training

Policies and requirements

A list of all the maritime training (MT) series documents you will need when delivering international certification training. This list includes the definitions used, the STCW training standards and use of simulators, the recognition of prior learning, the minimum qualifications needed by lecturers for each qualification and more.

Read the MT series fact sheets for RTOs.

Last updated: 28 December 2022