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Request a review

You can request a review of our decision about your application if you are not satisfied or would like more information.

Your request for review should be in writing, must clearly request an internal review and must be submitted within 90 days after notification of our decision. You should also include any additional material that may be relevant. We must advise you in writing of our review decision no later than 28 days after the application was received for review.

Our decision in relation to an application is reviewable directly by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in accordance with section 33 of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (the AAT Act).

Subject to the AAT Act, application for review of this decision (including the conditions imposed on your certificate) may be made to the Australian Tribunal.

You may apply in accordance with section 28 of the AAT Act for a statement in writing setting out the findings on material questions of fact, referring to the evidence or other material on which those findings were based, and giving reasons for the decision. Read more about the AAT Act, or call 1300 366 700.

Last updated: 28 October 2020