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Cargo marine orders and publications

Your vessel may be inspected to verify your compliance with cargo requirements. These requirements and regulations apply to safety-related aspects for marine carriage of cargo.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) governs the agreed minimum requirements for handling and transport of cargoes and dangerous goods.

We implement IMO agreed international minimum requirements in Australian legislation for all safety related aspects of marine carriage of cargo. Under our regulations, cargo includes:

  • bulk liquid and solid cargoes
  • dangerous goods
  • general cargoes
  • containers.

We also cover standards and operations concerning cargo lifting gear. Under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), ships are subject to port State control inspections to verify compliance with cargo requirements including:

  • stowage
  • segregation
  • packaging
  • documentation.

We represent Australia at cargo-related IMO Sub-Committees:

Cargo handling


Bulk cargoes

Dangerous goods regulations

Related IMO publications

Last updated: 29 March 2021