Criteria | Act Requirement |
Threshold | AMSA is an Australian Entity |
Threshold | AMSA has a Consolidated Revenue of at least $100m in the reporting period |
1. Identification | Requirement: Identify the reporting entity |
|  Australian Maritime Safety Authority is a Corporate Commonwealth Entity, operating under the Public Governance Performance and Accountability Act 2013. It was established by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990. It is part of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Portfolio of the Australian Government. |
2. Organisation | Requirement: Describe the reporting entity’s structure, operations and supply chains |
A. Structure | General StructureAMSA’s organisational structure is made up - the AMSA Board appointed by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development and consisting of a
- Chairperson,
- Deputy Chairperson,
- CEO,
- A person occupying an office in the portfolio department, and
- five other members,
- the Executive team, and
- four operational and service areas:
- Operations
- Response
- Policy and Regulation
- Corporate Services
Australian Business NumberAMSA’s hold the ABN 65 377 938 32 number on the Australian Business Register. AMSA does not own or control any other entities. Registered office and locationsAMSA head office is 82 Northbourne Ave Braddon ACT 2612 AMSA has another 20 office locations across Australia. |
B. Operations | Primary RoleAMSA is Australia’s national agency responsible for safety of commercial vessels and ships, preventing and responding to ship based marine pollution marine and search and rescue. AMSA’s primary role is to: - promote maritime safety and protection of the marine environment
- prevent and combat ship-sourced pollution in the marine environment
- provide infrastructure to support safe navigation in Australian waters
- provide a national search and rescue service to the maritime and aviation sectors
- provide, on request, services to the maritime industry on a commercial basis
- provide, on request, services of a maritime nature on a commercial basis to the Commonwealth and/or states and territories.
AMSA has a role in ensuring international conventions such as to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) are maintained while international vessels are in Australian waters. Employees and representativesAMSA has approximately 440 employees, including a permanent representative in London, United Kingdom. AMSA also delegates powers to officials within relevant State maritime agencies and police forces to enable compliance activities. Countries of operationWhile AMSA is primarily based in Australia and servicing Australia’s territorial waters it also - conducts education and training campaigns within the pacific region,
- assists in regional search and rescue activities where requested,
- is responsible for conducting flag State control inspections (Australian ships) in overseas ports and
It has 21 offices throughout Australia. InvestmentsAMSA has a single investment fund with Commonwealth Bank Australia which is to provide a ready source of income in the event of a major pollution incident. AMSA’s StakeholdersAMSA’s stakeholders include, but are not limited to: - our regulated community—domestic commercial vessel industry, shipping industry and seafarers
- Maritime service providers and partners—including navigation, pollution response, maritime and aviation search and rescue and contractors
- Australian Government, state and territory governments and their agencies
- International maritime community
- Australian community
C. Supply chain | Types of supply chainsAMSA’s supply chains are with various suppliers and specialists from Australia and internationally, including those with expertise in search and rescue, environmental emergencies, maintaining aids to navigation regulating domestic commercial vessels and international vessels entering Australian waters. Control of supply chainsSupply chains are controlled with strict contracting arrangements as defined by the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. Suppliers to AMSA are required to comply with any laws, statutes, regulations, by-laws, ordinances or subordinate legislation in force from time to time. Disclosures: AMSA contracts valued at or above the relevant reporting threshold value of AUD$400,000 (GST inclusive) are reported on AusTender: AMSA contracts valued at or above AUD$100,000 (GST inclusive) are published on the AMSA website biannually as required under the Murray Motion: Major suppliersOur major services are listed in the table below. These services provide long term and stable supply, enabling AMSA to achieve its objectives. |
Major service required | Source country (where known) |
Aerial Search and Rescue Services | Australia based |
Emergency Towage capability and Aid to Navigation (AtoN) maintenance through a dedicated vessel | Australia based |
Travel Services | Australia and international using the whole of Government travel arrangements |
Labour hire for call centre ICT and other services | Australian suppliers used for Australian based positions |
Contractors for the construction and maintenance of AtoN | Australia based |
Material suppliers to contractors for construction of AtoNs | Australian and international including the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, China and United Kingdom |
Provision of office services and supplies, such as cleaning and office furniture | Australia based (WINC is the primary supplier for office supplies) |
Provision of corporate clothing | Australian based contractor with potential international supply chains |
Provision of IT equipment and supplies | Australian distributors using international companies (Dell, Apple, CISCO, HP, Polycom) |