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5. Evaluation

Describe how the reporting entity assesses the effectiveness of actions being taken to assess and address modern slavery risks


AMSA have implemented the three key actions outlined in our first Modern Slavery Statement:


AnchorActions from 2019-20 Statement
Action taken
AnchorEffectiveness of action taken
  1. AMSA will develop a simple risk assessment tool to be used in procurement activities to improve identification of modern slavery and determine high risk procurements. Where risks are identified further investigation will be undertaken.

AMSA has included Modern Slavery in our standard risk ‘checklist’ for all procurements that meet the relevant threshold. We have also included reference to modern slavery in Tender Evaluation Plan documents, used for internal reference to ensure a standard evaluation approach for all open tenders.

No instances of risks associated with modern slavery have been discovered, however, this approach ensures that AMSA is considering modern slavery in all open approaches to market.

  1. AMSA will work to assess any requirement for the drafting of new clauses to be included in approach to market and contract documentation to identify supplier’s obligations with regard to modern slavery. AMSA will consider the inclusion of key performance indicators (KPIs) in high risk contracts on a case by case basis.

AMSA has included model Modern Slavery clauses provided by Border Force into our Request for tender (RFT), Long-Form Contract (specifying requirements for a Modern Slavery Risk Management Plan where applicable) and evaluation plans.

KPIs are considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the assessed level of risk of modern slavery.

The recommendation to include modern slavery clauses in our procurement contracts has been accepted, however no executed contracts have included specific KPIs or requirements for a Modern Slavery Risk Management Plan.

  1. Where risks are identified, AMSA will work collaboratively with suppliers to raise the awareness of modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. AMSA will clearly communicate its expectations to suppliers including how to identify, address and report modern slavery issues.

This is an ongoing process on a case-by-case basis. Where risks greater than low are assessed AMSA will address these with suppliers as appropriate.  

AMSA maintains strong working relationships with our suppliers in order to ensure that identified risks may be addressed quickly and appropriately, in line with contract management best practice.

AMSA has not experienced any instances of modern slavery or any issues regarding modern slavery in any of our current contracts or associated supply chains. With the key actions outlined above AMSA is in a strong position to address any issues that arise with a risk-based approach in line with AMSA governance and risk-management principles.

Models for continuous improvement and future actions

AMSA  will develop additional content for the internal  procurement training program on the identification of potential modern slavery risks, and will educate applicable staff on:

  • what modern slavery is
  • what modern slavery looks like in Government supply chains
  • what AMSA can do to further address modern slavery risks, and
  • how to report concerns about modern slavery practices.

In addition to the training detailed above, in future years AMSA will aim to:

  • further embed and streamline modern slavery considerations into procurement practices, including updates to procurement and contract templates
  • maintain a list of potential risks using AMSAs internal modern slavery risk and control table
  • strengthen reporting on modern slavery risks and actions, including identifying our largest areas of expenditure and any specific actions we are taking in those areas
  • give consideration to the development of specific metrics to demonstrate our performance addressing occurrences of modern slavery and other harmful practices.  

6. Consultation

Describe how the reporting entity consulted on its statement with any entities it owns or controls


AMSA does not own or control any other entities.

7.  Relevant Information

include information that you think is relevant


AMSA has identified our work with the Maritime Labour Convention in the risk assessment under Criterion 3 - Risks