Some AMSA forms will be unavailable on Monday 10 February 2025 between 6:15 pm and 6:45 pm AEST for maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Navigation systems

There are a range of systems to assist you in navigating around the Australian coastline. These systems reduce the risk of collisions at sea, and track and report on movement of vessels nearby.

Aids to navigation

We look after hundreds of visual and electronic aids to navigation (AtoNs) around the Australian coastline.


Lighthouses are an important part of the network of aids to navigation around our coastline with many being heritage listed.

Systems for maritime safety and distress

Our systems for maritime safety and distress provides advance warning about possible dangers in maritime areas, including changes in weather, and connects you with satellite and radio systems to call for help. 

Electronic chart navigation

You can carry the electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) to meet the chart carriage requirement of the International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

Ship tracking and reporting systems

We manage networks of tracking and reporting systems which keep ships on course and contribute to the safety of life at sea.

Automatic identification system

The automatic identification system (AIS) is a navigation system which reduces the risk of collisions at sea.

Maritime digitalisation

The process of integrating digital technologies into business processes to enhance and improve them.