How to wear your most valuable accessory – your lifejacket

Wednesday 5 October 2022
Lifejackets may seem simple to wear, but in the case of an emergency it's easy to get confused. And this National Safe Boating Week we urge you to get to know your lifejacket so it can do its job - save your life.
How to wear lifejacket

Here are a few tips on lifejacket wear to ensure your lifejacket fits and can save your life.

  • Secure all zippers, snaps, ties and straps on your lifejacket to make sure it fits you snugly.
  • The first time you wear your lifejacket, follow any instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  • Practice putting on your lifejacket until you are familiar with how it works.
  • If you are not wearing your lifejacket, keep it handy so you can put it on quickly and easily.

If you find yourself in the water:

  • Position yourself in water up to your neck.
  • Lift your legs up and tilt your head back toward the water.
  • Your mouth should not be in the water and you should be floating without effort.

To find out more, visit our web site.

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