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Confidential reporting

How to report suspected wrongdoing.

Anyone can confidentially report: 

  • suspected wrongdoing by AMSA staff, contractors, and secondees 
  • suspected wrongdoing by those who deliver services on behalf of AMSA 
  • persons seeking to corrupt AMSA staff
  • suspected wrongdoing by parliamentarians and their staff. 

Confidential reporting and legislated protections are provided under the provisions of the following acts:

How to make a report

If you’re not sure where your concern ‘sits’ in regard to the above, and/or you’d like to remain anonymous, contact Your Call.

your call logo

Ph: 1300 790 228

Your Call is a secure, external and independent service where your confidentiality is assured.  Your Call will triage your report and work with AMSA to determine the most appropriate option.

Note: if reporting via the website, AMSA’s organisation ID is AMSA1990.

Last updated: 24 May 2023