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Managing procurement complaints

AMSA has a fair, and non-discriminatory procurement complaints handling process.

Find out how to make complaints in relation to procurements we conduct. 

Procurement complaints

General complaints

Tenderers can make a general complaint about any aspect of our procurement process. (These are separate to complaints made under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018.)

If you have a concern during the tender process, raise it with us as early as possible. We may resolve your concern by:

  • explaining the procurement process followed, or 
  • the reason for our decision.

Addressing concerns early can prevent more serious problems later. 

Formal internal complaints

To submit a formal internal complaint in writing, email

Tell us the concerns you have regarding the response to your general complaint.

Include the following information:

  • contact details (name, business name, address, and phone)
  • tender details
  • detail your concerns with the tender process
  • copies or references to supporting documents
  • what you hope to achieve through the complaint process.

When we receive your complaint, we will:

  • register the details of your complaint 
  • acknowledge receipt of your complaint and seek clarification from you as required
  • investigate the validity of the complaint
  • let you know the outcome in writing, as soon as practicable and within 20 business days offer you a solution if applicable
  • confirm whether you consider the complaint resolved.

We take complaints seriously and manage all complaints fairly and efficiently. 

Your complaint won't affect your ability to be part of future procurement processes. 

Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018

The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 (GPJR) establishes an independent complaint mechanism for government procurement processes.

As a Commonwealth entity, we have the responsibility to investigate complaints and suspend procurements during the investigation, unless there is a public interest certificate.

The Act requires that we are responsible to formally investigate complaints made in accordance, and to suspend procurements during the investigation of a complaint, unless a public interest certificate is in place.

If you think AMSA has breached the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, you can lodge a complaint with the assigned AMSA contact officer for procurement.

How to submit your complaint:

  • address it to the AMSA Accountable Authority 
  • state you are making a complaint under the GP(JR) Act
  • set out why you think the CPRs have not been met
  • identify how this has affected your interests
  • submit by email:

Please review the legislation or obtain advice to understand this option.

Under the Act, upon receiving a complaint covered by the Act, we must investigate and under section 19 (1) (b) prepare a report of the investigation.

Should you wish to withdraw the complaint prior to completion of the investigation, we will seek to have this confirmed in writing by you as the complainant.

Additional options for review

Commonwealth Procurement Coordinator

If our response following investigation of your formal complaint does not satisfy you, you may seek a review by the Whole-of-Australian-Government Procurement Coordinator.

To learn more about the Procurement Coordinator's role in managing complaints and how to report a complaint, please refer to the Department of Finance website.

Commonwealth Ombudsman

You can also raise your complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman. The Commonwealth Ombudsman considers and investigates complaints about the administrative actions of Commonwealth entities. The Ombudsman seeks to resolve disputes through consultation and negotiation. The Ombudsman can suggest or recommend a particular course of action but cannot override a decision made by AMSA. The Ombudsman will report its findings to the complainant and to AMSA (including a recommendation to reverse a decision, if appropriate) and may report to Parliament.

Please visit the Commonwealth Ombudsman website for more information.

Public Interest Disclosures (public officials only)

Public officials who suspect wrongdoing within the Commonwealth public sector can raise their concerns under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013.

Conduct which may be the subject of a public interest disclosure includes, but are not limited to:

  • a contravention of the law
  • corruption
  • perverting the course of justice
  • maladministration
  • an abuse of public trust
  • falsifying scientific research
  • wastage of public money
  • conduct that is a danger to health, safety, or the environment.

Learn more about how to make a public interest disclosure to AMSA.

Last updated: 23 February 2024