If you submit an incomplete application, we will not progress your application for a domestic commercial vessel permission or approval.
This includes applications for:
- Certificate of Survey (new, vary or renewal),
- Certificate of Operation (new, vary or renewal),
- Exemption 02 Non-survey vessel,
- Exemption 40 (Class-C Restricted operation),
- Exemption 7 - Marine Safety (Temporary operations),
- Exemption 6 (to operate beyond survey due date or equipment due date),
- Specific Exemption,
- Equivalent Means of Compliance,
- Revocation and Suspension,
- Unique Vessel Identifier and Notification of Intent to Build.
We consider an application incomplete that has, but is not limited to, any of the following:
- sections of the form are not complete
- missing or incorrect personal details such as name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.
- if applying in the name of a trust – no trust deed has been provided with the application
- missing signatures
- illegible documents (for instance: poor quality photos or scanned documents)
- missing vessel details
- missing operational details including operation type and service category (class)
- missing crewing, passenger and special personnel complements
- incorrect or insufficient information provided
- incorrect applicant listed on application form
- survey reports not provided within the timeframes set out under the National Law – (Marine Order 503)
- vessel is not considered to be a domestic commercial vessel
- where an application cannot progress without submitting an additional application
- for certificate of survey renewal applications:
- if there is a discrepancy between the vessel details in the original approval and those in the current application
- if the application has been made outside of the allowable timeframe
- if you are trying to vary, change, suspend or revoke a certificate that has already expired.
We will send you an email detailing the issue(s) with the application for your action. It is your responsibility to provide the information as quickly as possible to us so the application can be processed and the certificate or approval issued with minimal delay.
You should note the following important points:
- You will have one calendar month in which to address all the issues outlined in the email and submit the missing or illegible documentation. We will hold the application fee for this period.
- If a complete application or missing or replacement documentation has not been received within one calendar month, the application will be closed with the loss of the fee. All subsequent applications will need to be paid for in full.
- If you provide a response to our request for further information within one calendar month and the application is still found to be incomplete, including missing or illegible documentation, the application will be closed with the loss of the fee. Any subsequent application will need to be paid for in full.
- If you submit an application for a certificate that you are not entitled to, you will receive a full refund.
- If you accidentally apply for the same certificate multiple times, the excess fee you paid will be refunded in full.
- Please note that refunds are not guaranteed due to change of mind by the applicant.
By reducing the time spent on incomplete applications, we will be able to process correct applications faster and provide a better service to the maritime industry. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Last updated: 30 January 2023