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Marine navigation (regulatory functions) levy

The marine navigation (regulatory functions) levy funds a range of activities.

We conduct a range of maritime safety regulation activities, funded by the marine navigation (regulatory functions) levy.

The levy is a charge against all Australian and foreign vessels that call at Australian ports. It is used to fund the cost of safety activities such as ship inspections and surveys. These activities support and establish the seaworthiness of Australian vessels.

Who pays the levy

If you are required to pay the marine navigation levy, you will also need to pay the marine navigation (regulatory functions) levy.

When to pay the levy

You must pay the levy at the same time you pay the marine navigation levy. You must pay the levy each quarter if you are a coastal trading vessel. Overseas trading vessels must pay upon arrival at an Australian port.

You will receive a receipt when you pay the levy and this receipt will be valid for three months. 

Levy charges

The amount you pay will be calculated according to the net tonnage of your vessel.

To help calculate your levy you can use the levy payment portal or the levy ready reckoner PDF372.04 KB.

Ship inspections

We periodically inspect Australian ships to check qualifications, navigational equipment, and make sure onboard safety related procedures are in place.

We also conduct random inspections on foreign vessels calling at Australian ports. We make sure these vessels comply with international regulations as part of our port State control program. Ships with serious deficiencies can be detained until the problems are fixed.

Read more about ship inspections.


We routinely ask that vessels provide proof that they have been surveyed and meet the standards for design, construction, stability and safety equipment. During inspections and surveys, you may be asked to provide proof that your vessel meets these requirements.

Last updated: 22 September 2020