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Discussions at the IMO

Enhanced fishing gear requirements are being developed in talks at the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

 The IMO is working on the details of the enhanced global fishing gear requirements. The views of all IMO member countries, including Australia, inform these requirements.  

Australia's engagement at the IMO

AMSA represents Australia during discussions at the IMO on the fishing gear requirements, ensuring Australia’s industry, community and environmental interests are considered.  

As Australia is one of 175 countries participating in these discussions, our position may not always be the one that is internationally supported and adopted.  

Be part of the consultation on the proposed reporting and marking requirements. Email to join our contact list.  

Summary of key IMO meeting outcomes  

The fishing gear requirements are being discussed at meetings of the IMO's: 

  • Sub-committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR)
  • Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC).  

Expand the sections below to see the details and progress at each meeting. 

11th session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 11), 19-23 February 2024 

PPR 11:  

  • confirmed that the aim of the IMO reporting database is to provide a global inventory of lost or discharged fishing gear to support data analysis and inform any future measures for preventing fishing gear loss and discharge.  
  • re-established a correspondence group, under the coordination of Australia, to progress reporting of lost fishing gear for consideration at PPR 12 in early 2025. The correspondence group will build an understanding of existing global fishing gear reporting frameworks, gaps and duplication, and provide recommendations on data to be reported to the IMO based on the agreed objectives of the database and the identified frameworks, gaps and duplication.
  • noted that further consideration is necessary on several outstanding items related to the reporting requirements, including reporting thresholds, how data is reported to the IMO, reporting of data to coastal States, method of data collection and a definition of recreational vessels. These matters will be further considered at PPR 12.

Discussions on the marking requirements was referred to PPR 12, which will meet in early 2025. 

10th session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 10), 24-28 April 2023

PPR 10:

  • agreed that recreational vessels would be excluded from the expanded reporting requirements.  
  • Agreed that the objectives of the IMO database, are:
    • to be able to make an inventory of fishing gear lost or discharged in the sea, allowing an assessment of the extent and spatial distribution of lost and discharged fishing gear and improve understanding of the contribution of lost and discharged fishing gear to marine plastic litter.
    • to support robust data analysis to facilitate developing measures for preventing and reducing lost and discharged fishing gear.
    • to provide the Organization and Member States a database to measure trends and monitor the loss and discharge of fishing gear at the national and international levels.
  • established a correspondence group, under the coordination of Spain, to progress work on the reporting requirements until PPR 11 in early 2024.
  • agreed that the goal-based requirements must be flexible so countries can develop requirements in accordance with the differences across fisheries at a global, regional, and national level. 
78th session of the Marine Environment Pollution Committee (MEPC 78), 6-10 June 2022

MEPC 78:  

  • agreed to mandate the marking of fishing gear, using a ‘goal-based approach’, and requested the PPR Sub-committee develop draft amendments to MARPOL and associated guidelines.  
  • agreed to prepare a circular to promote the implementation of fishing gear marking systems including the Food and Agriculture Organisation Voluntary Marking Guidelines, as a short-term measure.  
9th session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 9), 4-8 April 2022

PPR 9:  

  • noting legal advice that MARPOL Annex V could be used to introduce marking requirements, agreed to seek advice from the MEPC on if global mandatory marking requirements for fishing gear should be progressed at the IMO.
  • established a correspondence group, under the coordination of Spain, to progress work on the reporting requirements until PPR 10 in early 2023. 
Discussions prior to 2022

77th session of the Marine Environment Pollution Committee (MEPC 77), 22-26 November 2021 

MEPC 77:

  • instructed the PPR Sub-Committee to consider the potential regulatory (mandatory and recommendatory) options for promoting the marking of fishing gear, taking into account the work of Food and Agriculture Organisation, and advise MEPC how to proceed.
  • requested the Secretariat provide legal advice concerning the definition of garbage for fishing gear, to confirm if MARPOL Annex V (related to the prevention of pollution from garbage) could be used to introduce marking requirements.
  • adopted the Strategy to address marine plastic litter from ships to guide, monitor and oversee the implementation of the Action Plan. The Strategy set out the ambitions to:
    • reduce marine plastic litter generated from, and retrieved by, fishing vessels.
    • reduce shipping's contribution to marine plastic litter; and
    • improve the effectiveness of port reception and facilities and treatment in reducing marine plastic litter. 

7th session of the Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 7), 17-21 February 2020 

PPR 7:

  • established a correspondence group coordinated by France to progress work on the fishing gear reporting requirements and prepare a report with recommendations to PPR 8 for consideration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consideration of the report was deferred to PPR 9 in April 2022.

74th session of the Marine Environment Pollution Committee (MEPC 74), 13-17 May 2019

MEPC 74:

  • agreed that the PPR Sub-Committee should consider how to amend MARPOL Annex V and the 2017 Guidelines for the implementation of MARPOL Annex V to facilitate and enhance the reporting of accidental losses or discharges of fishing gear.  
  • invited interested Member States and international organizations to submit to the PPR Sub-Committee proposals on reporting mechanisms for accidentally lost or discharged fishing gear, including the challenges and benefits of such systems, as well as existing and potential ways to encourage fishing vessels to report. 

73rd session of the Marine Environment Pollution Committee (MEPC 73), 22-26 October 2018 

MEPC 73:

  • adopted the Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships developed to contribute to the global solution for preventing marine plastic litter from entering the oceans through ship-based activities. The Action Plan builds on existing policy and regulatory frameworks and identifies opportunities to enhance these frameworks and introduce new supporting measures to address the issue of marine plastic litter from ships.