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National Plan governance and management

The National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies (National Plan) is managed under governance arrangements which ensure accountability, coordination and integration with stakeholders.

Governance arrangements include:

  • reporting to the Australian Government through the Council on Transport and Infrastructure Council (the council), under the Council of Australian Governments’ arrangements
  • the establishment of the National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee to set policy direction and oversee the implementation of the National Plan
  • stakeholder engagement, in particular with the shipping, petroleum, chemical and port industries
  • appropriate technical input to support decision making
  • links to coordinated arrangements across the Commonwealth, states and the Northern Territory.

Planning and coordination

The National Plan is governed by three supporting groups:

  • National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee
  • National Plan Strategic Industry Advisory Forum
  • Australian Government National Plan Committee

Groups and committees

For further information refer to the below.

National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee

The National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee (NPSCC) is responsible for the strategic coordination of the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies (the National Plan).

The NPSCC sets the broad policy direction of the national plan, oversees its implementation and reviews its effectiveness. The NPSCC is comprised of senior commonwealth, state and Northern Territory Government officials and it is accountable to governments through the Transport and Infrastructure Council, under the Council of Australian Government arrangements.


Each jurisdiction will appoint one member to the NPSCC. To ensure an effective decision making capability the member should be a senior government official. 


  • Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (to ensure effective integration of the national plan with the regulatory arrangements for the offshore petroleum industry)
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
  • Maritime New Zealand.


The function of the NPSCC is to:

  • set the broad policy directions for the National Plan
  • agree an implementation plan for the outcomes of the National Plan review and oversight the delivery of the implementation plan
  • develop and coordinate national marine pollution prevention, recovery, preparedness and response standards
  • ensure effective integration of the national plan into broader emergency management
  • through the National Plan Strategic Industry Advisory Forum obtain advice on the operation of the National Plan
  • ensure the most effective strategies and technologies are being employed by the National Plan
  • develop public education and information strategies for the National Plan
  • reporting to the Australian Government through the Council on Transport and Infrastructure Council (the council), under the Council of Australian Governments’ arrangements.


Meetings of the NPSCC will be held jointly with the NPSIAF. Both groups will meet biannually. 

National Plan Strategic Industry Advisory Forum

The National Plan Strategic Industry Advisory Forum (NPSIAF) is an independent industry-focused body that advises the National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee (NPSCC) on strategic issues and the future direction of the National Plan.


The membership of the forum will be drawn from industry stakeholders with a direct interest in the arrangements of the National Plan, covering the commercial maritime sector, peak oil and chemical industry bodies, and professional bodies representing oil spill contractors, salvage and towage interests.

Appointment to the forum will be upon agreement of the National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee. The membership shall include, but not be limited to, appointees from the:

  • Australian Fire Authorities Council
  • Australian Institute of Petroleum
  • Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre
  • Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association
  • Maritime Industry Australia Ltd
  • Chemistry Australia
  • Ports Australia
  • Shipping Australian Limited
  • International Salvage Union
  • Maritime casualty industry
  • Insurance industry.


The functions of the forum are to:

  • Advise the National Plan Strategic Coordination Committee on the future direction of the National Plan
  • Advise the NPSCC on issues that may affect the National Plan
  • Provide advice to broad discussions on changes to National Plan policy, including:
    • contingency planning
    • equipment
    • training
    • response services
    • research and development
  • Provide feedback from industry
  • Communicate National Plan activities to stakeholder groups.


Meetings of the NPSIAF will be held jointly with the NSPCC. Both groups will meet biannually.

Australian Government National Plan Committee

Australian Government National Plan Committee (AGNPC) coordinates the Australian Government arrangements under the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.


Members of the AGNPC will be appointed by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority from the following agencies:

  • Department of Home Affairs (National Emergency Management Agency);  
  • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry;
  • Australian Fisheries Management Authority;  
  • Australian Maritime Safety Authority; 
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO); 
  • Department of Defence (Royal Australian Navy); 
  • Australian Border Force;  
  • Australian Antarctic Division;
  • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts;  
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; 
  • Department of Industry, Science and Resources;  
  • Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water; 
  • Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet; 
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority; 
  • National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority; and 
  • Bureau of Meteorology


The function of the AGNPC is to:

  • Ensure that the Australian Government is effectively prepared to respond to marine pollution incidents.
  • Provide a whole of government perspective to the implementation of the National Plan review and negotiation of a new inter-governmental agreement.
  • Develop and coordinate national marine pollution preparedness and response standards.
  • Develop and implement a marine pollution response plan for the Australian Government.
  • Set the Australian Government policy direction for the National Plan.
  • Ensure effective integration of the national plan into Australian Government emergency response arrangements.


The AGNPC will meet twice a year to enable effective reporting into the National Plan governance arrangements.

Last updated: 7 November 2022