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Consultation—electrical safety on vessels

Consultation on electrical safety on vessels closed on 28 February 2019.

Have your say on the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) Part C5B—Design and Construction—Engineering—Electrical. This provides standards for the design, construction, installation, and repair of electrical installations for vessels. It must be read in conjunction with NSCV Part B—General Requirements.

This consultation may be of interest to designers, surveyors, constructors, repairers and operators of vessels with electrical installations, except:

  • special vessels as defined in Part F of the NSCV must comply with Part F and are not required to comply with this Subsection unless Part F specifies otherwise
  • non-survey vessels as defined in Part G of the NSCV must comply with Part G and are not required to comply with this Subsection unless Part G specifies otherwise.

Consultation papers

Last updated: 12 September 2023