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National Standard for Commercial Vessel requirements now easier to find

Tuesday 1 August 2023
We have updated the NSCV area of our website to help people find requirements more easily.
Looking for NSCV requirements?

The NSCV is a core regulatory instrument, and provides standards for vessel design, construction and equipment for domestic commercial vessels. 

The changes make the standard easier to navigate by:  

  • grouping the sections by topic  
  • providing a summary of each section  
  • using a consistent format.  

We have also updated the Superseded standards for commercial vessels page to list all the superseded NSCV parts in a single location.

These changes are a result of valuable industry feedback and are the first of a series of planned updates to help people find key regulatory information. 

You can continue to provide feedback about the new web pages via the NSCV web content survey, also available as a pop up on the new NSCV area of our website.  

To request information and assistance about NSCV parts themselves email  

Sign up to receive specific updates about the NSCV by visiting our subscribe page and ticking the box ‘National Standard for Commercial Vessels’.  

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