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Royal Australian Navy - vessel size

Tonnages for each Royal Australian Navy (RAN) vessel, current, decommissioned, and under construction.

Measurements below are represented as GT for gross tonnage and length in metres. 

ClassVesselsSize category (GT)Length (metres)
Destroyers (DDG)Perth, Hobart, Brisbane (all decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT133
Destroyers (DDGHM)Hobart, Brisbane, Sydneygreater than 3000 GT146.7
Frigates (FFG)Adelaide, Canberra, Sydney, Darwin, Melbourne, Newcastle (all decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT138.1
ANZAC (FFH)Anzac, Arunta, Warramunga, Stuart, Parramatta, Ballarat, Toowoomba, Perth.greater than 3000 GT118
Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD)Canberra, Adelaidegreater than 3000 GT230.8
Landing Platform Assault (LPA)Kanimbla, Manoora (both decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT159
Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR)Success (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT157.2
Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR)Siriusgreater than 3000 GT189.5
Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR)Supply 
Stalwart (NUSHIP)
greater than 3000 GT173.9
Destroyer Tender (AD)Destroyer Tender (AD) (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT157.1
Auxiliary Oiler (AO)Westralia (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT171
Training Ship (GT)Jervis Bay (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT135.6
Fast Transport (AKR)Jervis Bay (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT86.6
Survey Ships (AGS)Moresby (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT95.7
Survey Ships (AGS)Flinders (decommissioned)less than 3000 GT49
Survey Ships (AGS)Cook (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT96.5
Survey Ships (AGS)Melville, Leeuwingreater than 3000 GT71.2
Survey Ships (AGSC)Paluma, Mermaid, Shepparton, Benallaless than 500 GT36.6
Survey Motor Boats (SMB)

Fantome, Tom Thumb, Casuarina, Meda, John Gowlland, Conder, Duyfken, Geographe, Wyatt Earp (all decommissioned)

(Note: not acceptable for Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014 qualifying sea service as vessels less than 12 metres in length)

less than 10 GT10.7
Landing Ship Heavy (LSH)Tobruk (decommissioned)greater than 3000 GT127
Landing Ship, Dock (LSD)Choulesgreater than 3000 GT177
Destroyer Escorts (DE)Swan, Torrens, Derwent, Parramatta, Yarra (all decommissioned)less than 3000 GT112.8
Mine Hunter Coastal (MHC)

Huon, Gascoyne, Diamantina, Yarra.

Hawkesbury, Norman (both decommissioned)

less than 3000 GT52.5
Landing Craft Heavy (LCH)Balikpapan, Brunei, Labuan, Tarakan, Wewak, Betano (all decommissioned)less than 3000 GT44.5
Landing Craft Light (LCVP)T4, T5, T6, T7.less than 500 GT13.2
Patrol Boats (PB) Fremantle ClassFremantle, Warrnambool, Townsville, Wollongong, Launceston, Whyalla, Ipswich, Cessnock, Bendigo, Gawler, Geraldton, Dubbo, Geelong, Gladstone, Bunbury (all decommissioned)less than 500 GT42
Patrol Boats (PB) Armidale Class (ACPB)Armidale, Larrakia, Bathurst, Albany, Pirie, Maitland, Ararat, Broome, Bundaberg, Wollongong, Childers, Launceston, Maryborough, Glenelgless than 3000 GT56.8
Patrol Boats (PB) Australian Defence Vessel Cape Class (ADV) Cape Fourcroy, Cape Inscriptionless than 3000 GT58.1
Mine Hunter Inshore (MHI)Rushcutter, Shoalwater (both decommissioned)less than 500 GT30.9
Mine Sweeper Aux (MSA (Small)Brolga (decommissioned)less than 500 GT28.4
Mine Sweeper Aux (Tug)Bandicoot, Wallaroo (both decommissioned)less than 500 GT29.6
Sail Training Ship (AXS)Young Endeavourgreater than 24 metres44
Operated by Teekay Australia on behalf of RAN
Multi-role aviation training vesselSycamoregreater than 3000 GT94
Last updated: 1 July 2021