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Under keel clearance management for coastal pilots

Tutorials and fact sheets for coastal pilots about the under keel clearance management (UKCM) system.

UKCM system guide and tutorials

The UKCM system user guide and tutorials contain guides for use of the key functionality of the UKCM system. You can work through these guides and tutorials at your own pace.

The tutorials cover a range of typical activities in the UKCM system and complement the online user manual and help section. They are available to registered UKCM system users.

UKCM fact sheet

We have produced this simple UKCM pamphlet to introduce the UKCM system in Torres Strait.

UKCM pilotage plan chartlet

The pilotage plan chartlet provides an overview of Torres Strait and Prince of Wales Channel for use by coastal pilots.

It can assist in providing a small scale view of the UKCM system area for use during the master/pilot information exchange.

Although not suitable for navigation, the chartlet depicts the broad UKCM route boundaries and system waypoints.

UKCM route boundaries

Route boundaries shown in the following documents provide a graphic overview and a table of coordinates (latitude/longitude (WGS84)) of the existing deep draught and standard UKCM system route boundaries through Torres Strait.

UKCM system waypoints

The UKCM waypoints document contains the coordinates of the UKCM system waypoints in latitude/longitude (WGS84).

These positions are provided to assist pilots in correlating UKCM system information observed in transit planning and transit monitoring in their pilotage plan.

Read more about the UKCM waypoints PDF16.34 KB.

UKCM system predefined vessel speeds

The speed profiles document contains predefined vessels speed profiles (in knots) for voyage planning.

These speed profiles are used to pre-populate initial voyage and transit planning inputs, which can then be amended, if required, in the transit planning module.

UKCM system routes depicting fast, moderate and slow transit speeds for tankers, bulk carriers and container vessels are provided.

Read more about the speed profiles PDF2.91 MB.

Last updated: 4 February 2020