We have issued the following exemptions and approvals.
Competent authority exemption from the notice requirements in Marine Order 41 (Carriage of dangerous goods) 2017, for an excepted package of radioactive material of class 7
- Exemption number 6108 PDF3.65 MB – in force from 1 August 2020
exempts a shipper from the manner of giving notice for the shipment of an excepted package of radioactive material of class 7. It includes conditions that provide for alternatives that the notice must include.
Exemption for testing of the material hazardous in bulk—corrosive properties of solid bulk cargoes
We have been working with industry on issues identified with the repeatability and reliability of the modified C.1 test prescribed by section of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC code).
We previously issued two exemptions in respect of this issue:
- Exemption 5450 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 - to allow shippers of iron ore, iron ore fines, bauxite and coal to use an alternative method for evaluation of the MHB corrosive properties of iron ore and iron ore fines.
- Exemption 5451 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 to allow shippers of mineral concentrates and metal sulphide concentrates to use a modified C.1 test better suited to the properties of these materials.
Whilst the issues have been progressed at meetings of the sub-committee for the Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC) at IMO, amendments to be included in the 06-21 amendments to the IMSBC Code were finalised and agreed during CCC 5 in September 2018. These were sent to the Maritime Safety Committee in December 2018 for that committee to issue an MSC circular. Until that circular could be formally published AMSA issued two exemptions valid until the end of June 2019, to replace those previously issued:
- Exemption 5717 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 to allow shippers of mineral concentrates and metal sulphide concentrates to use a modified C.1 test better suited to the properties of these materials.
- Exemption 5718 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 to allow shippers of iron ore, iron ore fines, bauxite and coal to use an alternative method for evaluation of the MHB corrosive properties of iron ore and iron ore fines.
MSC.1/Circ.1600 Interim Guidance for Conducting the Refined MHB (CR) Corrosivity Test, dated 10 January 2019, was formally published by the IMO in January 2019. AMSA issued an exemption valid until 31 December 2022.
- Exemption 5739 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 to allow shippers to use the guidance in the circular until it is agreed and finalised in the 06-21 amendments to the IMSBC Code.
Due to the global pandemic the finalisation of the 06-21 amendments to the IMSBC Code was delayed. The Maritime Safety Committee at its 105th session adopted the 06-21 amendments that will come into mandatory effect on 1 December 2023, and also approved a revised circular MSC.1/Circ.1600/Rev.1 Guidance for Conducting the Refined MHB (CR) Test that reflects those amendments. AMSA has issued an exemption valid until 30 November 2023 to allow shippers to use the revised circular until the 06-21 amendments to the IMSBC Code come into mandatory effect.
- Exemption 6343 to section 334 of the Navigation Act 2012 PDF11.29 MB to allow shippers of solid bulk cargoes to use the guidance in MSC.1/Circ.1600/Rev.1.
EX 6343 can be used by a shipper for any solid bulk cargo, hence it replaces all previously issued exemptions relating to corrosivity of solid bulk cargoes — EX 5450, EX 5451, EX 5717, EX 5718 and EX 5739 — regardless of the date of validity indicated on those certificates.
Approval for MHB categorisation related to self-heating properties of coal
We have been working with industry with regard to issues identified with the repeatability and reliability of the N.4 test prescribed by section of the IMSBC code to determine self-heating properties of coal. It was found that actual behaviour of most coal cargoes during transport, or when stored in stockpiles, did not reflect the outcome of the test. Research found significant issues of repeatability with positive and negative results for the same cargo in different tests.
While the research continues we have issued certificate of approval 8024 Approval of the categorisation of coal as materials hazardous only in bulk (MHB) PDF2.28 MB, valid from 14 December 2022, which replaces the previously issued certificate of approval AP5620, approving the categorisation of coal, meeting certain criteria, to be MHB on the condition that extra precautions are taken.