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Focused inspection campaign – risk of hazardous gases

We’re running an inspection campaign focusing on hazardous gases on class 1 and 4 vessels in NSW from Sep-Dec 2024. To prepare, include hazardous gas risks in your SMS.

Focused inspection campaign (FIC) summary

Purpose: To ensure domestic commercial vessel (DCV) owners, operators and crew have considered the risks associated with hazardous gases in their safety management system (SMS).

Location: NSW

Timeframe: 16 September until 31 December 2024


  • Class 1 passenger vessels  
  • Class 4 hire and drive vessels  

Expect to be inspected.

Why we're inspecting vessels

In August 2023, a new version of Marine Order 504 (MO504) came into effect. The revised marine order requires DCV owners to:

  • include potential risks of hazardous gases from sewage systems and other sources in their vessel’s SMS risk assessment
  • strengthen training and drill requirements related to emergency procedures.  

Inspectors will check compliance with these new operational safety requirements.  

Focus areas  

If we inspect your vessel, we will look for:  

  • evidence of a risk assessment to identify the potential risks of hazardous gases
  • written procedures for managing hazardous gases and maintaining sullage tanks and plumbing
  • instructions on how to identify and respond to hazardous gas incidents  
  • proof that you are providing hazardous gases information to hirers of class 4 vessels.  

How to prepare  


Read guidance about how to reduce risks of hazardous gases

Do a risk assessment and include controls for hazardous gases in your vessel’s SMS.


Review the inspection checklist. 

Take any action needed to ensure your compliance with Marine Order 504 requirements.

FIC Checklist
Name of Vessel:UVI:Class of Vessel:
Date of inspection:Port inspected:
All answers need to satisfy current operations, otherwise the answer is N 
Does the vessel risk assessment identify and control the risk of hazardous gases? MO504 Sch 1 subpara 2(3)(b)(iii)   
Does the SMS identify regular programmed inspections and maintenance of sullage tanks and plumbing? MO504 Sch 1 subclause 10(2)   
Have new crew undertaken any induction, on-board familiarisation or training for identifying and responding to hazardous gases? MO504 Sch 1 para 6D(1)(c)   
Does the SMS include clear and relevant procedures for the pumping out of blackwater, greywater, or bilgewater tanks? MO504 Sch 1 Sec7(2)(a)   
Do the toilet areas have sufficient mechanical or natural ventilation to open air? USL Code 5E.7 & 612.5 & NSCV C1, s4.15.4   
Is the vessel fitted with, or do the crew have access to hazardous gas monitoring devices?   
Class 4 only: Is information provided to hirers about the risks of hazardous gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide?   
8Class 4 only: Is signage or labelling in place warning of the dangers of carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulphide in confined areas?    
9Were any deficiencies recorded related to a question or questions in this FIC?   
10Were any National Law notices issued related to a question or questions in this FIC?   

Inspection process  

Our inspectors will undertake this FIC at the same time as regular DCV inspections of class 1 and 4 vessels.  

If an inspector finds a deficiency, they'll talk to the person in charge of your vessel about how to make it compliant.

Last updated: 29 July 2024