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Exemption 1—Marine Safety (Vessel identifiers)

This exemption is for owners of domestic commercial vessel who may not want to obtain or display a unique identifier.

You do not need approval from us to use this exemption.

All domestic commercial vessels are required to have and display a unique identifier unless exempt.

What this exemption will allow you to do

Exemption 01 exempts the following vessels from the requirement to obtain and display a unique identifier:

  • A vessel that is registered and marked in accordance with the Shipping Registration Act 1981.
  • A tender vessel which prominently and clearly displays either: 
    • the words ‘Tender to’ followed by the name or unique vessel identifier of its parent vessel
    • the name of the owner of the vessel followed by the word ‘tender’
    • the unique vessel identifier of its parent vessel followed by ‘– T’.
  • A human powered vessel that is covered by a certificate of operation.
  • A sailing vessel that is <7.5m long that is covered by a certificate of operation.

Exemption 01 exempts the following vessels from the requirement to display a unique identifier only (they are still required to obtain one): 

  • A human powered vessel, other than a Class 1 vessel that is not covered by a certificate of operation.
  • A sailing vessel, other than a Class 1 passenger vessel that:
    • is not covered by a certificate of operation
    • is less than 7.5 metres long
    • has no auxiliary engine, or an auxiliary engine of less than or equal to 3.5 kilowatts propulsion power. 
  • A personal watercraft used in an aerial freestyle device operation.

Legislation and incorporated material

Related information


Last updated: 27 February 2023