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Marine order 63—Vessel reporting systems

Ship tracking and reporting systems.

Current Marine Order 63 (Vessel reporting systems) 2019

Marine order 63 sets out the requirements for vessels travelling in Australian designated reporting areas. 

The two areas include the:

  • Modernised Australian ship tracking and reporting system (MASTREP) area. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Australia is responsible for this area as described in the International Maritime Organization's Global Integrated Shipping Information System module Radiocommunications and search and rescue.
  • Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Ship Reporting System (REEFREP) area for mandatory ship reporting as mentioned in IMO Resolution MSC.52(66).
Assistance and tools

Legislation and incorporated material

Related content

Refer to the Federal Register of Legislation for previous versions of this marine order.

List of material referenced in this marine order:

  • Admiralty List of Radio Signals (borrow or purchase)
  • IMO GISIS module Radiocommunications and search and rescue (register)
  • IMO Standard Marine Communications Phrases, IMO resolution A.918(22) 
  • International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code) (access or borrow)
  • Revised guidelines for the onboard operational use of shipborne automatic identification systems (AIS), IMO resolution A.1106(29)


Last updated: 19 February 2021