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AMSA 649

Application for equivalent means of compliance (form 649)


You can use this form to apply for an approval of an equivalent means of complying with a standard mentioned in Marine Order 503 (Certificates of survey – National Law) 2013.

Eligibility criteria

You must demonstrate that your proposed equivalent means of compliance is at least as effective as the solution it replaces.

How to complete this form

You can use the link below to either:

  • complete and submit online or
  • partially complete the form. You will be given the option to print and complete the form offline.

Attach separate documents if you need to provide additional information.

Providing as much clearly presented, relevant detail as possible will speed up the assessment process. You may wish to include:

  • photographs
  • surveyor reports
  • copies of previous or related approvals or permits
  • drawings
  • any other documentation that will help us to understand your request.

Trust and organisation arrangements

If you are applying as an organisation, please provide documentation confirming your ABN and/or ACN and business name—for example ASIC extract.

If you are making an application in the name of a trust, please supply a copy of the trust deed in the supporting documents section of the application. We require the deed to confirm the full and correct name of the legal entity that is making the application. If a copy of the trust deed is not submitted at the time of making the application, it may result in delays processing your application.  

Submitting the form

You can submit the form online or post it to us at:

Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Attention: Operations
GPO Box 2181
Canberra ACT 2601

More information

Fees for an application for an equivalent means of compliance

The fee advice that is created at the time of submitting an application for an equivalent means of compliance is based on 11/2 hours of processing and assessment time.

If after receiving your application, AMSA considers that the assessment time will be longer than the original fee charged, you will be sent an updated fee estimate that includes the estimated number of hours of assessment required to finalise your application. At that time, you can decide if you would like to pay the additional fee for your application to progress or withdraw your application.

  • If the application is incomplete, it will cause processing delays and may not be progressed. Refer to our incomplete application policy for Domestic Commercial Vessel applications.

Read the related marine order, Marine Order 503 (Certificates of survey – National Law).

Last updated: 30 August 2022