Navigating Tides of Progress – National Reconciliation Week 2024

Monday 27 May 2024
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Navigating tides of progress artwork - an emerald sea meets the iron-red coastline, symbolising the intrinsic connection between First Nations communities and the land and sea.

The theme for 2024, 'Now More Than Ever', is a reminder to all of us that the work towards a reconciled Australia continues.

At AMSA, we have walked alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in caring for Sea Country for many years, and in July 2022, formalised our commitment to reconciliation with our 'Reflect' Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). While we have made meaningful progress, the journey ahead is long. As we continue our reconciliation journey, we look towards our second RAP – Innovate, which has been approved by our Executive Team and awaiting endorsement from Reconciliation Australia.

Today we take another step in that journey, with the release of the artwork, 'Navigating Tides of Progress' by Alysha Menzel, proud descendent of the Samsep people from Erub Island, Torres Strait Islands. The artwork provides a visual representation of our unwavering commitment to working towards a reconciled future with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culture, and Country.  

In Alysha's words, "The wider narrative emanates from the centre, weaving together threads of tradition, innovation, and collaboration. These oceanic threads highlight the vital partnerships between AMSA and First Nations peoples; and represent the commitment to a mutual exchange of knowledge and cultivation of progressive ideas, anchored by a strong maritime tradition.

"Within the artwork, the deep emerald sea meets the iron-red coastline, symbolising the intrinsic connection between First Nations communities and the land and sea. This meeting also serves as a symbolic convergence of Australia’s rich maritime heritage and future aspirations of positive progress. Lighthouses stand tall along the coast, their beacons guiding vessels to safety amidst the ever-shifting waves and tides. Filled with energy, movement, and life, the artwork visually represents AMSA’s reconciliation journey and partnership with First Nations peoples who they walk alongside to safeguard Sea Country."    

Alysha will formally present the artwork to AMSA as a physical canvas, to be displayed in our head office on Ngunnawal/Ngambri Country. We look forward to being inspired by its narrative as we start using it online and in print.

Now more than ever, we are committed to an equitable and reconciled Australia.

Learn more about AMSA’s reconciliation journey.

Find out more about artist and designer, Alysha Menzel.

Watch Alysha Menzel reflect on ‘'Navigating Tides of Progress'.

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