Full title | National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G - Non-survey vessels |
Current | Edition 2.5 Commenced 1 April 2022 |
About | The National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) Part G specifies the following for non-survey vessels and other domestic commercial vessels that are not required to have a certificate of survey: (a) the minimum standards for design and construction (b) the minimum safety equipment to be carried on board. This Part applies to each non-survey vessel and other domestic commercial vessel that is required to comply with this Part by the National Law or its subordinate instruments. |
Announcement | This NSCV was updated as a result of the Omnibus amendments instrument No 1, 2021. (AMSA has made minor editorial amendments to six NSCVs to address minor issues in nature raised by industry). Summary of changes:
The list of changes are available via the following link: NSCV Omnibus amendments instrument No1 2021 PDF518.45 KB. The previous edition 2.4 (1 January 2021) amended Schedule 2 to include alternative arrangements for EPIRBs on small (<7.5m) vessels operating in open waters (offshore operations (B waters) or restricted offshore operations (C waters). |
Assistance and tools | Equipment guidance notices for non-surveyed vessels:
References |
Superseded | Superseded standards for commercial vessels |
Author | Policy and Regulation To provide feedback or report issues / errors with this or any other any NSCV or related webpages, contact us at NSCVfeedback@amsa.gov.au Please include the name and clause number of the NSCV in the email. For questions that relate to an application please email dcvsurvey@amsa.gov.au |