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Australian Seafarers' Welfare Council


The Australian Seafarers’ Welfare Council (ASWC) was established in 2013 to ensure the adequacy of existing welfare facilities and to assist in coordination of port/regional welfare committees. 

The ASWC comprises representatives from: 

Members of the Australian Seafarers Welfare Council
Members of the Australian Seafarers Welfare Council

The ASWC meets on a quarterly basis. AMSA plays a leading (chairperson and secretariat) role in the work that ASWC aims to achieve.

Chair: Michelle Grech
Australian Maritime Safety Authority


Our vision: The provision of appropriate welfare services for seafarers visiting Australian ports.
The ASWC Strategy

Provide leadership in the implementation of Australia's obligations on seafarers' welfare under the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 

  • Represent Australia internationally on seafarer welfare matters 
  • Promote awareness for the Australian Seafarers' Welfare Council, its role and vision 
  • Maintain contact with, and membership of, the International Seafarers’ Welfare Assistance Network (ISWAN) 

Assist in the establishment of a national network of seafarer support arrangements 

  • Encourage, support and guide the establishment of Port Welfare Committees 
  • Facilitate and promote a network of communication and cooperation between Port Welfare Committees and ASWC 

Promote, encourage and support the delivery of seafarer welfare services at Australian Ports 

  • Identify seafarer needs and future welfare requirements in line with shipping and crew trends 
  • Promote the need for seafarers to be treated as valued and respected members of our port communities 
  • Assist in investigating ongoing funding opportunities that may assist in providing sustainable seafarer welfare services