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Australian Seafarers' Welfare Council

Maritime Labour Convention

In Australia, the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) is primarily implemented through the Navigation Act 2012 and Marine Order 11.

The MLC informs much of the Australian Seafarers’ Welfare Council (ASWC)’s work. ASWC promotes seafarer welfare issues and the services available in Australian ports for seafarers.

The MLC provides the basic requirements for seafarers' welfare. It covers: wages, hours of rest, accommodation, recreational facilities, food and water, medical care on board ships, health and safety, accident prevention, repatriation, and employment agreements.

Read more about the Maritime Labour Convention.  

Maritime Labour Convention
MLC complaints and incidents
  • All vessels must have an on-board complaints system that lets seafarers make a complaint without recourse or concern.
  • The operator must give all seafarers a copy of the on-board complaint procedures, in the working language of the ship.
  • Seafarers can make a MLC complaint directly to the ships master, port State, flag State, as well as organisations directly involved in seafarer welfare without victimisation.
Make a complaint

Use this form to make a MLC complaint about a regulated Australian vessel or a foreign-flagged vessel in Australian waters.

Note: We cannot investigate complaints about foreign-flagged vessels outside of Australian waters. Please contact the maritime authorities of the next port of call or your flag State for assistance.