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AMSA 504

Application for a certificate of operation (form 504)


You can use this form to:

  • apply for a certificate of operation
  • renew an existing certificate of operation where you are not making any changes to the existing certificate and the certificate has not been expired for a period of more than 2 years  
  • vary an existing certificate of operation.

If you work on a domestic commercial vessel and need to renew your certificate of competency please go to our information about qualifications.

Eligibility criteria

Each vessel related to the certificate must:

Some operations are exempt from the requirement to have a certificate of operation.

If you don't already have a unique vessel identifier, one will be issued as part of the vessel permission application process. When asked for the unique vessel identifier in this application form please enter TBC and note the application reference number for your vessel permission or unique vessel identifier.

How to complete this form

You can complete and submit the form online.

Please attach a separate document if you need to provide additional information.

Trust arrangements

If you are making an application in the name of a trust, please supply a copy of the trust deed in the supporting documents section of the application. We require the deed to confirm the full and correct name of the legal entity that is making the application. If a copy of the trust deed is not submitted at the time of making the application, it may result in delays processing your application.  

Submitting the form

The easiest way to submit the form is online through the link below, or post it to us at:

Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Attention: Operations
GPO Box 2181
Canberra ACT 2601

More information

  • Check the fees you will need to pay.
  • If the application is incomplete, it will cause processing delays and may not be progressed. Refer to our incomplete application policy for Domestic Commercial Vessel applications.
  • See special arrangements in Exemption 7 for renewing certificates
Last updated: 28 December 2022