AMSA Payments and some forms will be offline on 12 February 2025 between 7:00 pm and 10:30 pm for maintenance work. We apologise for any inconvenience.

2021–22 key activities:
3.1Build a risk-based picture of our AtoN estate and strengthen governance and coordination of decisions, AtoN management and investment. 
3.2Develop an Enterprise Asset Management system for capital planning and management including long term maintenance management (CAP)
Primary Enterprise RiskModerate Risk RatingKey mitigation strategies
(1) AMSA is an ineffective regulator

Risk Appetite & Tolerance

regulatory approach

AMSA has a regulatory plan, policies and an annual compliance program.
Key mitigation strategies (controls) are monitored through AMSA’s internal audit program and management system, established regulatory scheme, ship inspection program, effective national network of aids to navigation and other navigational services and ongoing engagement with industry.

Risk tolerance statement:

We have low tolerance for regulatory approaches that are inconsistent with our mandated obligations under the AMSA Act 1990. We have low to moderate tolerance for risk in the pursuit of innovative regulatory approaches, for example alternative means of compliance—consistent with our Act and Statement of Regulatory Approach 2018. 

In very specific instances, we have moderate to high tolerance for the application of contemporary and potentially ground-breaking regulatory approaches (including research) that allow us to respond dynamically to changes in our operating environment.1