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"Inspection breakdown 2022 - 2,671 initial domestic commercial vessel inspections, 2,405 initial foreign-flagged vessel inspections, 95 initial regulated Australian vessel inspections

AMSA inspectors undertook the following in 2022;

2,671 initial DCV inspections on DCVs
95 initial FSC inspections on RAVs
2,405 initial PSC inspections on 2,167 foreign flagged ships.
1,122 follow up inspections on foreign flagged ships
54 follow up inspections on Australian RAVs

There was a 6.2 per cent increase in the number of initial DCV inspections conducted by AMSA. This is the most inspections conducted since AMSA assumed service delivery of the national system.

Infographic of deficiencies and detentions for 2022, explained in text

There was a nearly 20 per cent increase in the number of deficiencies issued to DCVs, from 7,311 in 2021 to 8,769 in 2022.

There was a 182 per cent increase in the total detentions2 of DCVs, up from 22 detentions in 2021 to 62 detentions in 2022.

The number of initial FSC RAV inspections remained the same as 2021, at 95.

Australian ships underwent two initial PSC inspections overseas, with one inspection resulting in a detention.

AMSA seeks to focus its inspection efforts on those ships considered a higher risk to Australia. 

While there was a 14.7 per cent decrease in the number of initial PSC inspections, AMSA increased the inspection rate of Priority 1 (P1) ships, inspecting 88.5 per cent of all eligible arrivals of P1 ships. We decreased the inspection rate of Priority 4 (P4) ships, inspecting 24.5 per cent of eligible arrivals. The PSC results show that there was a slight increase in the detention rate of ships from 5.6 per cent in 2021 to 6.0 per cent in 2022.  The peak detention rate was in 2011 with 9.2 per cent. The 2022 detention rate is consistent with the 10-year rolling average of 6.0 per cent. 

The average PSC deficiencies per inspection increased from 2.2 per cent in 2021 to 2.58 per cent in 2022. This is significantly higher than the 10-year rolling average of 2.3 deficiencies per inspection.

AMSA’s DCV inspection processes continue to be imbedded into normal operations. The increase in detentions of DCVs reflects the importance AMSA places on protecting crew, passengers and the marine environment.

The reduction in the number of initial PSC inspections, with the increase in detention rate shows that AMSA is directing resources towards ships of a higher priority, while not inspecting ships of a lower priority.


2 DCV detentions in this report include where any National Law notice was issued stopping the vessel from operating until rectification of a deficiency