There are two 2 different types of interim certificates of competency that exist.
Firstly, there is the kind that AMSA sends to an applicant, once we have approved the issue of a certificate of competency.
The second type is the kind that can be provided by the AMSA approved registered training organisations (RTOs) that deliver low complexity certificate courses.
Once you have been provided an interim certificate of competency you may start your new duties immediately. Be sure to always keep a copy of the interim certificate on you.
Low complexity interim certificates of competency
Once you have completed your low complexity training course and the AMSA Mandated Practical Assessment (AMPA), your RTO may issue an interim certificate of competency. These can be issued on completion of the AMPA for the following courses:
- General purpose hand (GPH)
- Coxswain grade 2 near coastal
- Coxswain grade 1 near coastal
- Marine engine driver grade 3 near coastal
- Master (Inland waters)
- Master less than 24 metres near coastal
- Marine engine driver grade 2 near coastal
To be issued an interim certificate of competency, you must have:
- satisfied all requirements of the relevant certificate of competency including:
- meeting medical and eyesight requirements
- providing evidence of sea service
- completing the appropriate training course
- holding a valid first aid certificate
- holding a valid radio certificate (if radio is required)
- passing a final assessment (AMPA - except GPH)
- completed a Certificate of competency application form 426* that is signed and dated with the consent box ticked, and
- have submitted your application through Australia Post.
*You must show your training organisation a completed certificate of competency application, the required attachments and your Australia Post payment receipt. If you’re applying for a certificate of competency, but you haven’t received a certificate of completion yet from your training organisation in a timely manner, you can request a course completion letter from your RTO. Just remember to provide us with your certificate of completion as soon as you have received it. Find out more about how to apply for a certificate of competency.
The interim certificate of competency will be completed by an AMSA approved assessor. You need to read all of the information on the form and make sure all your details are correct before it is issued. Once you have done this the AMSA approved assessor will verify your details, complete checks of all documentation, then fill in and sign the Interim certificate of competency form.
An interim certificate of competency is only valid for one certificate of competency. If you need more than one, for example, Master less than 24 metres and Marine engine driver grade 3, you will be issued with 2 separate interim certificates of competency forms.
You must carry your interim certificate with you until you receive your AMSA issued certificate of competency card. If asked by a Marine Safety Inspector, you must be able to show them your interim certificate.
Your interim certificate of competency will expire when you receive your full term certificate of competency or 60 days from date of issue, whichever is earlier.
Once your application has been assessed and approved you will be issued with a new (updated) interim certificate of competency by email which will allow you to continue operating until your certificate arrives in the post. If you do not include your email address in your application, you will not receive the updated interim certificate. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria mentioned in s.9 of Marine Order 505 for the grade of certificate applied for (see s.22 of Marine Order 505), the interim certificate is no longer valid. You must notify AMSA in writing as soon as possible if you become aware that the interim certificate was made in error or was made on the basis of incorrect information. An interim certificate of competency is also invalid if not complete.
New high complexity certificates
If you are found competent at the final assessment you will be issued with an interim certificate of competency. This will be sent to you by email once we have approved your certificate, within a few days of passing the final assessment.
You must carry your interim certificate with you until you receive your full certificate of competency. If asked by a Marine Safety Inspector, you must be able to show them your interim certificate.
If you do not include your email address in your application, you will not receive this interim certificate of competency.
Certificate renewal
If you submit your application for renewal before your certificate expires, you can continue operating for up to 90 days past the expiry date while we assess your application and issue your renewed certificate.
Once your application has been assessed and approved you will be issued with an interim certificate of competency by email, which will allow you to continue operating until your certificate arrives in the post. If you do not include your email address in your application, you will not receive the interim certificate.