Non-survey vessel approval or exemption

Some vessels do not have to be surveyed. Depending on the type of vessel, you may need to apply for approval to operate.

Marine Safety (Certificate of survey) Exemption (Exemption 2) exempts certain vessels from the requirement to obtain a certificate of survey, including non-survey vessels.

From 1 July 2018, more kinds of vessels are exempt from the requirement to have a certificate of survey.

Select your vessel type to see more information. If your vessel is eligible under multiple categories, you can choose which one you want to use. Note that while a certificate of survey is not required for vessels to which this exemption applies (except heritage vessels), you may still need to engage a competent person such as a surveyor to assist you in determining whether your vessel complies with the requirements that apply to it.

Access the My Boat system for guidance on how to keep your vessel compliant.

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Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be used to transport goods or up to 12 people or for a purpose associated with its parent vessel’s operation
  • not be powered by a petrol below deck engine
  • operate within line of sight of its parent vessel or another distance approved by us or in a marina or mooring area
  • be less than 7.5 metre or another approved length
  • if it has a parent vessel, be no longer than the parent vessel
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

How do I apply for my tender to operate outside line of sight or be greater than 7.5m long?

To apply for an approval complete and submit AMSA form 547 with the following information:

  • tender vessel name and unique identifier
  • parent vessel(s) name(s) and unique identifier(s)
  • details of the proposed operation and geographical area(s)

For applications to operate outside line of sight, please also provide:

  • details of how you will mitigate the risks of operating outside line of sight of the parent vessel
  • how communication will be maintained with the parent vessel

For applications to operate a tender greater than 7.5 m long, please also provide:

  • reasons for using wanting to use a tender greater than 7.5m long
  • confirmation that the tender will not be longer (in length) than the proposed parent vessel(s)

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

  • meet the eligibility requirements
  • comply with National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G
  • comply with any other conditions applied to your approval
  • if the tender has a parent vessel that is in survey, be inspected each time the parent vessel is surveyed.

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

Apply for a new approval using Exemption 02—Application for approval of a non-survey vessel form 579 and pay the fee to:

  • apply for a non-survey approval for the first time
  • add service categories
  • remove or change conditions on your current approval or
  • notify us of modifications to your vessel that has a current approval.

If you are making any of the above changes, you can also use this form to make any of the changes listed below.

Apply to vary your existing approval using Application to vary a vessel certificate or approval form 566 and pay the fee to:

  • notify us of a transfer of ownership
  • remove service categories
  • update the engine or gearbox details on your approval
  • change your name on the approval
  • update your contact details (if this is the only change you want to make you can do this without paying a fee by calling AMSA Connect).
Class 2, 3 and 4 vessels

Am I eligible?

From 1 July 2018, the length cutoff these vessels has been extended from 7.5 metres to 12 metres

Your vessel must:

  • be less than 12 metres long
  • operate only in sheltered (D or E) waters
  • if a Class 2 vessel – carry no more than four day passengers
  • if a Class 3 vessel – carry no passengers
  • if a net reel, crane, lifting device or deck load is installed on the vessel, have a written recommendation from a marine surveyor. This states the surveyor is satisfied that the net reel, crane, lifting device, or deck load is unlikely to generate a heeling moment that may endanger or capsize the vessel, or create a loading condition that exceeds the maximum loading for the vessel
  • comply with National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

Your vessel must not:

  • carry dangerous goods including petroleum or gas products (other than those intended for use on the vessel or fireworks carried only for use on the vessel for a fireworks display)
  • be operated primarily for towage
  • have an inboard engine which operates on fuel that has a flashpoint of less than 60°C (such as petrol)
  • be a support vessel in the offshore oil or gas industry
  • be a Class 4 vessel operated overnight
  • be a landing barge of a design determined by us to be likely to adversely affect the vessel’s stability
  • be a high speed thrill ride vessel.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

Apply for a new approval using Exemption 02—Application for approval of a non-survey vessel form 579 and pay the fee to:

  • apply for a non-survey approval for the first time
  • add service categories
  • remove or change conditions on your current approval
  • notify us of modifications to your vessel that has a current approval.

If you are making any of the above changes, you can also use this form to make any of the changes listed below.

Apply to vary your existing approval using Application to vary a vessel certificate or approval form 566 and pay the fee to:

  • notify us of a transfer of ownership
  • remove service categories
  • update the engine or gearbox details on your approval
  • change your name on the approval
  • update your contact details (if this is the only change you want to make you can do this without paying a fee by calling AMSA Connect).
Training vessels

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be used by a sailing school or training organisation to train members of the public for recreational boating qualifications
  • be less than 24 metres long
  • be used along the coast within 15 nautical miles of the baseline of the Australian or Tasmanian mainland, a recognised island, or sheltered (D or E) waters limits
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

Apply for a new approval using Exemption 02—Application for approval of a non-survey vessel form 579 and pay the fee to:

  • apply for a non-survey approval for the first time
  • add service categories
  • remove or change conditions on your current approval
  • notify us of modifications to your vessel that has a current approval.

If you are making any of the above changes, you can also use this form to make any of the changes listed below.

Apply to vary your existing approval using Application to vary a vessel certificate or approval form 566 and pay the fee to:

  • notify us of a transfer of ownership
  • remove service categories
  • update the engine or gearbox details on your approval
  • change your name on the approval
  • update your contact details (if this is the only change you want to make you can do this without paying a fee by calling AMSA Connect).
Human powered vessels

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be propelled by human powered devices (such as oars, paddles, and pedal systems) only or be a canoe or kayak that has human powered devices as its primary source of propulsion and has an electric propulsion motor of less than or equal to 24 volts or a motor of less than or equal to 3.5 kW propulsion power.
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

  • meet the eligibility requirements
  • comply with National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate the vessel’s eligibility to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You do not need to apply to use this division of Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) however if you would like documentation please submit an application for Exemption 02 using the AMSA form 579.

Sailing vessels

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate the vessel’s eligibility to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You do not need to apply to use this division of Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) however if you would like documentation please submit an application for Exemption 02 using the AMSA form 579.

Personal watercraft

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be less than 4 metres long
  • have an internal combustion engine powering a water-jet pump as its primary source of propulsion
  • be designed to be operated by at least one person sitting, standing or kneeling on its hull
  • not have an aerial freestyle device attached
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

Note that personal watercraft with aerial freestyle devices attached are dealt with under a separate division of this exemption.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate the vessel’s eligibility to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You do not need to apply to use this division of Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) however if you would like documentation please submit an application for Exemption 02 using the AMSA form 579.

Vessel used for sporting or recreational activities

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be involved in sporting or recreational activities
  • be affiliated with a body determined by us as having systems in place to manage risk
  • be used along the coast within 15 nautical miles of the baseline of the Australian or Tasmanian mainland, a recognised island, or sheltered (D or E) waters limits
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any change relevant to the approval of the vessel, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

If you wish to apply to be a recognised sporting or recreational body under this division of exemption 02, please complete and submit AMSA form 758 to and provide supporting the following information: 

  • supporting documentation from the body describing its risk management systems
  • details of the proposed operation and geographical area(s)
Volunteer marine rescue

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be Class 2D or 2E
  • be less than 12 metres long
  • not carry passengers
  • not have received approval to operate under Marine Safety (Class C restricted operations) Exemption 2018
  • be owned by an organisation established for the primary purpose of providing marine search, rescue and public safety services that may be given responsibilities by a State, Territory or Commonwealth government in an emergency or disaster
  • be used by a volunteer search and/or rescue organisation to conduct searches and/or rescues and associated activities (such as training, maintenance, and fundraising) for which no compensation is payable or a commercial activity for which the supply is GST-free under section 38-250 of the A New Tax System Act, which allows for nominal compensation to be charged for a supply
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

Note that if the vessel is a surf lifesaving vessel operating in sheltered (D and E) waters or within two nautical miles of the low water mark it is not a domestic commercial vessel.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

Starting with your application, you must make a declaration each year between 11 and 12 months after the last declaration stating that the vessel meets the applicable design, construction and equipment standards mentioned in National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G. You must keep all declarations except the one made on application with the safety management system for the vessel.

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

Apply for a new approval using Exemption 02—Application for approval of a non-survey vessel form 579 and pay the fee to:

  • apply for a non-survey approval for the first time
  • add service categories
  • remove or change conditions on your current approval
  • notify us of modifications to your vessel that has a current approval.

If you are making any of the above changes, you can also use this form to make any of the changes listed below.

Apply to vary your existing approval using Application to vary a vessel certificate or approval form 566 and pay the fee to:

  • notify us of a transfer of ownership
  • remove service categories
  • update the engine or gearbox details on your approval
  • change your name on the approval
  • update your contact details (if this is the only change you want to make you can do this without paying a fee by calling AMSA Connect).
Fire service vessels

Am I eligible?

  • Your vessel must:
  • be Class 2D or 2E
  • be less than 12m long
  • not carry passengers
  • not have received approval to operate under Marine Safety (Class C restricted operations) Exemption 2018
  • be used by an organisation established by legislation to provide fire prevention, mitigation, suppression and protection services for any of:
    • transport of volunteers and employees and equipment to help with fire fighting activities
    • on-water fire fighting activities
    • assisting government agencies and non-government organisations with transport, search and fire fighting activities in relation to fires or emergency events
    • training of volunteers and employees
    • fire awareness programs
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

Starting with your application, you must make a declaration each year between 11 and 12 months after the last declaration stating that the vessel meets the applicable design, construction and equipment standards mentioned in National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G. You must keep all declarations except the one made on application with the safety management system for the vessel.

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate an approval to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

Apply for a new approval using Exemption 02—Application for approval of a non-survey vessel form 579 and pay the fee to:

  • apply for a non-survey approval for the first time
  • add service categories
  • remove or change conditions on your current approval
  • notify us of modifications to your vessel that has a current approval.

If you are making any of the above changes, you can also use this form to make any of the changes listed below.

Apply to vary your existing approval using Application to vary a vessel certificate or approval form 566 and pay the fee to:

  • notify us of a transfer of ownership
  • remove service categories
  • update the engine or gearbox details on your approval
  • change your name on the approval
  • update your contact details (if this is the only change you want to make you can do this without paying a fee by calling AMSA Connect).
Existing vessels

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be ‘existing’ for the purposes of this exemption
  • not have been required to have a certificate of survey on 30 June 2013 (if the vessel was required to have a certificate of survey on 30 June 2013, it may be considered ‘existing’ under marine order 503, however it will be required to have a certificate of survey unless exempt under another division or exemption)
  • if the vessel is of a kind that if it were a new vessel would be required to have a certificate of survey (eg a vessel that is not eligible to use any other division of this exemption or Marine Safety (Class C restricted operations) Exemption 2018 ), meet the standards for safety equipment, that apply to the vessel in accordance with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part F (fast craft and leisure craft) or Part C (all other vessels)
  • if the vessel is of a kind that if it were a new vessel would not be required to have a certificate of survey (eg a vessel that is eligible to use any other division of this exemption or Exemption 40, except heritage vessels), meet the equipment standards of National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G
  • meet the design, construction and equipment (other than safety equipment) standards that applied to the vessel on 30 June 2013
  • have a load line certificate if required
  • not have been altered or modified to the extent that it must be reassessed against the construction, subdivision or stability standard that applies to it unless this has been approved by us in writing
  • not have changed operations or service category unless this has been approved by us in writing
  • not have left the area in which it was permitted to operate before 1 July 2013 unless this has been approved by us in writing.

Note that heritage vessels are exempt from some requirements associated with a certificate of survey under a separate scheme but can use this division if they meet the eligibility requirements.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

  • meet the eligibility requirements, especially with respect to changes to the vessel, its operations, and the area in which it operates
  • comply with the standards that apply to it
  • if any determinations have been issued for the vessel, comply with any conditions applied to them.

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate the vessel’s eligibility to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You do not need to apply to use this division of Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) however if you would like documentation please submit an application for Exemption 02 for division 5 using the AMSA form 579. You will need to supply supporting documentation to show your vessel meets the existing vessel criteria.

If you want to apply for an approval or determination to change the vessel or its operations, complete and submit AMSA form 758 to with the following information:

  • the vessel name and unique identifier
  • details of any alterations that you are proposing to make the vessel 
  • details of any changes you are proposing to make to the way the vessel is operated or where it is operated 
  • how the proposed alteration of operational changes would not jeopardise safety of the vessel or persons onboard – for example survey reports, risk assessment etc.
  • details of how you will mitigate the risks of making the proposed changes

AMSA policy is that, approvals will not generally be granted, if the type of alteration or operational change is one of those listed in Schedule 1 of Marine Order 503.

Personal watercraft with aerial freestyle devices

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be less than 4 metres long
  • have an internal combustion engine powering a water-jet pump as its primary source of propulsion
  • be designed to be operated by an instructor sitting, standing or kneeling on the hull of the personal watercraft and to direct the water output of the engine under pressure through nozzles to lift a person on an aerial freestyle device above the surface of the water or to allow a person on the device to dive underwater
  • be Class 2C, 2D, or 2E
  • comply with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part G
  • carry an air horn.

The aerial freestyle device must:

  • be fitted with footholds or straps to secure the person on the aerial freestyle device
  • be fastened to the bow of the personal watercraft with no strain on the hose coupling.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

You must notify us of any relevant change, including a transfer of ownership, change of name or address of the owner, and any alterations to the vessel or its operation that may invalidate the vessel’s eligibility to operate under this exemption.

This exemption only relates to the requirement to have a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You do not need to apply to use this division of Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) however if you would like documentation please submit an application for Exemption 02 using the AMSA form 579.

Heritage vessels

Heritage vessels are required to have a certificate of survey, however under Exemption 2—Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) we can approve their exemption from some or all of the standards and survey regime that would otherwise apply, subject to conditions.

Am I eligible?

Your vessel must:

  • be owned and operated by a not-for-profit organisation
  • be listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels
  • have a vessel management plan.

The vessel management plan must be certified by an accredited marine surveyor with heritage vessel experience, knowledge and skills, and must include:

  • the history of the vessel and its significance
  • the standards to which the vessel was built (if any)
  • the proposed use and operating profile of the vessel
  • a detailed evaluation, based on a report by an accredited marine surveyor, of the vessel’s current condition and fitness for purpose for its proposed use and proposed operating profile as set out in the safety management system
  • the repair and maintenance schedule for the vessel
  • how any non-compliance of the vessel with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels is to be managed
  • survey and inspection arrangements that will apply to the vessel.

The vessel management plan can only be changed with approval from us.

What are my ongoing responsibilities?

You must make sure your vessel continues to:

  • meet the eligibility requirements
  • comply with the vessel management plan.

You must apply to us if you wish to change anything in the vessel management plan.

This exemption only relates to some requirements associated with a certificate of survey. You still need to comply with all other requirements that apply to domestic commercial vessels, unless you are exempt, including the requirement to:

How do I apply?

You can identify your vessel as a heritage vessel when you put in an Application for a certificate of survey for a domestic commercial vessel form 521. Attach the vessel management plan and any other supporting documentation.

To change something about your vessel management plan, you must seek approval from the national regulator.

Vessels issued approvals under previous exemptions

An approval issued under any of the following superseded instruments continues to be in force until the approval expires or is revoked:

  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2018 (No.2)
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2018
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2017 (No. 2)
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2017
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2016
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2015
  • Marine Safety (Certificates of survey) Exemption 2013
  • Marine Safety (Heritage vessels) Exemption 2013.

Can I request a replacement certificate?

You can request a replacement copy online.

Last updated: 7 November 2024